Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Help With Prescription Cost

It is unbelievable that in the “first world” country of the United States of America, millions of people are uninsured or underinsured. This causes a great deal of stress on the uninsured person as well as their family members. Nobody wants to see their loved one suffer, but they themselves may not be able to take on the hefty medical bills either. This puts people in a very difficult conundrum. It is especially worrisome if the uninsured person is in need of a lot of medication because they are bound to need help with prescriptions. This may lead to an internet search for “help with prescription cost”. may surface during such a search. They specialize in helping people afford their medicines when their insurance just isn’t cutting it. Each of their clients is given a personal advocate. This person helps them with the whole application process free of charge. For more information about how they can help with prescriptions, clients can either go to or call 1-877-386-0206. One thing that people may be curious about when they are searching for “help with prescription cost” is the fees of the actually program. The program costs $50.00 per month for one prescription. The monthly fee is $65.00 a month, to get assistance with two to seven prescriptions and  $85.00 a month for help with eight or more drugs. The advocates help will medicine changes, re-application fees and are there to answer questions and give support.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Prescription Assistance

There are many prescription assistance programs out there for qualified patients through the pharmaceutical companies. Each company has their own rules about who qualifies and a separate procedure for applying. The Simplefill program helps their clients navigate through the complexities of each Merck patient assistance program since they can be confusing and difficult. Some clients that take many different medicines need to apply to many different programs. This is when it is especially helpful to have the assistance of The less medicines a client needs help with the less their monthly payment is. If during the application period a client is denied a specific medication, the client’s Personal Advocate will do an appeal for free. It is necessary to be a United States resident to reap the benefits of this program. The first payment is due at the time of enrollment. After that an automatic withdrawal from a credit or debit card can be set up. It is normally deducted from the card eight weeks after the enrollment period.  Personal checks are not accepted as a form of payment for the Merck patient assistance program. Each pharmaceutical company has different policies when it comes to prescription assistance programs. Some of them send the medication directly to the patient’s home and others send it to a doctor’s office or to the local pharmacy, for the client to pick up. With programs such as people are more likely to get their medicines and live a happy and healthy life.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Merck patient assistance program

Unfortunately, today millions of Americans are uninsured or underinsured. Not having quality insurance can be quite stressful for a family. It can be especially stressful if there is a family member that is in need of a lot of medication.  Sometimes people only need to take medicine when they are sick. Other individuals need their medication everyday to survive. In these cases it is critical to look into some sort of prescription assistance service or Merck patient assistance program. One option is This is how it works: Each client is assigned a personal advocate that helps them with the entire application process.  There is absolutely no fee to apply. Interested clients just need to go to the website or call 1-877-386-0206. The fees of the actual program vary. For assistance with one prescription the monthly cost is $50.00. For help with two to seven prescriptions, the 
cost is $65.00 a month. The price is $85.00 a month for those individuals that are seeking help with eight or more prescription drugs. The Personal Advocates are in charge of helping people schedule their re-fills. Most of the time the medicines go straight to the patient’s house. Since qualification for this program only last for one year, the company helps their clients re-apply for services when they are running low on time.  This avoids any gaps in coverage that may result in not having access to necessary medicines. For people researching prescription assistance service or Merck patient assistance program, the site might be the place to visit.